
Wow assault on the dark portal
Wow assault on the dark portal

wow assault on the dark portal wow assault on the dark portal

On boosted characters I see five, so I do not think accepting those three would make the relevant one show up. Now that they removed the portals and put in the portal room, there is not a portal to Blasted Lands.

  • 2 ♱0) on 6 (Patch 8.0.1)If you have a boosted character and want to start the Draenor quest line you can get the starter quest from Khadgar in front of the portal in Blasted Lands (there’s a portal to Blasted Lands in the capitols), just check that you have “show low level quests” enabled.īkid on 7 (Patch 8.0.1)in addition to Khadgar, you can get the quest from the Hero’s Call Board, but if you’re a boosted character you may have to accept a bunch of Hero’s Call quests before it shows up, as it can only display 3 at a time.
  • If you’ve not done the Draenor thing yet, it should be up there. Have you looked at the Hero’s call board, in Storwind? (Or Orgrimmer, if Horde.)

    Wow assault on the dark portal